624-157-7283 chrismendz@gmail.com

Support For Individuals, Couples, & Families

Learn about my work and experience with counseling, couples therapy, Neurolinguistic Programming and Family Coaching. Whether you are in need of emotional support, resolve couple conflicts, or require parental support, together we will bring harmony back into your life.

Private office in El Tezal, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Remote sessions available for surrounding areas: Todos Santos, Pescadero, San Jose del Cabo, Los Barriles, La Ribera and La Paz.

Individual Therapy

It is common that we feel unwell, but not necesasarily know what´s wrong.

We just feel that something is out of place and feel sad, disoriented and hollow.

The point of counseling is to help you positively reorganize and balance your energy and emotions.

It takes strength and courage to look inside ourselves and decide to make a change.

It is also a process; you have to know, there is no quick fix and the only one who can do it, is you.

But there is also great rewards in getting to feel happy and complete again.

Couples Therapy

Living in this era of change where relationships are mostly meaningless, shared, complicated or non-committed, being a couple can be a challenge.

Difficult or no communication, differences in priorities, sexual estrangement and ultimately cheating become common issues.

We forget what brought us together in the first place and start justifying every missed point in the other person instead of taking responsibility for our own mishaps.

The good news is that every problem has a solution as long as the two people are committed to work at it.

We will do exercises; rituals and experiments to actually experience the work instead of just keep it in dialogue.

There is no true change unless there is emotion involved.

Parental Support

Every family is unique, and I work closely with parents to address their individual concerns and goals. Together, we develop strategies to promote effective communication, manage conflicts, and create a harmonious family environment. I offer support to parents seeking guidance and empowerment in their journey of nurturing healthy, well-adjusted children.

My signature 4-hour “Effective Discipline” program equips parents with practical tools for immediate application, focusing on improved communication, conflict resolution, discipline and family harmony practices, applicable from day 1. My goal is to empower parents to confidently navigate the challenges of raising children & forming stronger family connections.

Cabo counseling couples therapy

Hello! I’m Chris

Licensed Therapist

Trained at the Humanist Institute of Gestalt Psychotherapy for 4 years in Mexico City.

Went on to study Family Constellations with famous Constelator Ingala Robl and even attended a Constellations workshop with its founder Bert Hellinger.

So have been working with these methods for over 20 years.

Lived in Miami Florida for 5 years and during that time also trained to be a Behavioral Coach. Method, which has allowed me to have successful interventions, especially with kids with bad behavior in schools and at home. It is somewhat more directive but also more effective.

I became a NLP master (Neuro-linguistic Programming) 5 years ago, training with famous NLP teacher Ramón Iturbide in the city of Guadalajara. This method has been proven to be highly effective, especially with deeply ingrained beliefs.

Over the years I have attended uncountable workshops, conferences, and training always related to personal growth.

What are Family Constellations?

Family Constellations are a way of discovering underlying family bonds and forces that have been carried unconsciously over several generations.” -Bertold Ulsamer.

Family Constellation is a three-dimensional group process that has the power to shift generations of suffering and unhappiness.

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

Your Commitment

Sessions are normally 50 minutes long and once a week.

Depending of the gravity of the situation, we can extend the time and can have up to 3 sessions in one week.

It is important to attend your weekly session in order to advance and start experiencing changes. As a process, it needs your attention and commitment.

Punctuality is of the essence.

Cancellations will only be admitted 12 hours in advance, if you do not attend or call, you will be charged for the session.

Chris Mendez was an incredible asset to the well being of my 6 year old son. For close to 2 years Ms.Mendez was an auspicious and imperative resource to my son during trying times.


The bond and trust I felt with Chris is very special. She has a beautiful heart and a warm inviting personality. She certainly wasnt afraid to tell me what she thought when necessary and this could be confronting, but it was also a very important part of my healing. I could not recommend her highly enough.


My Workshops

Six Essences in Children Workshop

I give a conference called the six essences in children in which you will learn about the six different personalities in children which will help parents and teachers discover their strengths and weaknesses and I will give you specific tools to accept, deal with, manage and guide them.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below.

(624) 157-7283
